Entrepreneurs may experience errors as simultaneously challenging and threatening

By Anne-Kathrin Kleine in latent profile analysis entrepreneurs

June 10, 2022

According to transactional stress theory (TST), the extent to which entrepreneurs cope with errors by engaging in error damage control or ruminating about disengaging from their business goals depends on whether they interpret action errors as predominantly challenging or threatening.

What we did:

Using latent profile analysis (LPA), the current study investigates the existence of latent profiles of challenge and threat appraisal of entrepreneurial errors and their relationship with error damage control and rumination about business goal disengagement in a sample of 649 entrepreneurs.

What we found:

The results identify five appraisal profiles characterized by different challenge and threat appraisal intensities. The levels of error damage control and rumination about business goal disengagement differed between the profiles. Specifically, entrepreneurs high in challenge and threat appraisal showed higher levels of both forms of coping than those low in appraisal. Entrepreneurs falling into a high challenge and low threat appraisal profile exhibited the lowest level of business goal disengagement. Still, they showed similar levels of error damage control to those high on challenge and threat appraisal.

What this means:

Entrepreneurs may experience action errors as challenging and threatening simultaneously. Error management approaches may be used to foster an atmosphere in which errors are appraised as learning opportunities rather than threats.

Posted on:
June 10, 2022
1 minute read, 208 words
latent profile analysis entrepreneurs
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